Harris Kyriakou | Harris Kyriakou

Harris Kyriakou





harris kyriakou

Harris research interests include collective innovation, computer-supported cooperative work and crowdsourcing. Specifically, he examines how people in open innovation communities can be better coordinated. The focal point of his current research is the evolution of open hardware designs from a social and information network perspective. He is also interested in the reuse parameters of innovation processes.
Most recently, his research won the best dissertation award from Stevens School of Business and the first place at the INFORMS poster competition among more than 170 participants. Part of his work has been published at MIS Quarterly and presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the Open Hardware Summit, and the World Maker Faire.
Harris holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Stevens Institute of Technology, an M.S. in Technology Innovation Management from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.Sc. in Digital Systems from University of Piraeus, Greece.